Welcome everyone who just joined from a recent college gathering at Evans City Public Library! As explained, please look through my profile for details about the site. For anyone else after or before, welcome as well! This website is for roleplay so please do not use ACTUAL pictures of yourself for your profile image (Artwork and photos of places or creatures are fine). Example: I am using my Animagus logo. Most attending will be college-age to adults, so anyone under 18 is entering at their own risk as we of Squonk Academy of the Arcane do not take responsibility, we do however deal with and will even send information to police if needed about anyone speaking to or approaching minors inappropriately. We encourage all to be themselves and to be as open as you are comfortable with. Understand that we do not tolerate prejudice and attacks (Do not discriminate against anyone for their skin, religion, origins, sexuality, gender, practices, etcetera). Some members here are actually real-life practitioning Witches, many others are open about their sexuality and gender. For a personal example (Warning, research at your own discretion): I am a Genderfluid Caedsexual Therian and Otherkin Elder Hearth Witch and my religion is Slanaitheoirism; Genderfluid means I am neither male nor female nor both, I kind of flow between them all and am under the Non-binary umbrella; Caedsexual is the reason for the warning and it is very sensitive, I will not go over it but I felt it necessary to give an example as I used to be Demipansexual; Therian and Otherkin will require your own research, but know that you do NOT choose to be such; Elder Hearth Witch does not have anything to do with age, it simply means that I have over 12 years of experience in Witchcraft and that I specialize in hearth arts (Magic relating to the household and those within, it's a very vast description actually); the last bit is another thing to research on your own if you wish. I will answer questions on most of these, just not Caedsexuality. And no, before anyone asks again, I will not hex or curse someone for you.
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